Archives for I’m Pregnant

Welcoming a new life: how to prepare for childbirth 

How quickly time flies… It seems like yesterday you were playing dolls in front of the block. You were gently changing the poopy plastic babies, and your mother was waiting impatiently for you to come home for dinner. Well, you blinked twice and now you’re the one anxiously awaiting to step into a new and slightly intimidating role – that of mom-to-be.  Welcoming a new life is one of the most exciting adventures for a woman. You must be shivering just thinking that you are growing a little treasure. No big deal! We’ll give you the most useful tips on
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Categories: I'm Pregnant, Main Categories, Topics, and When Expecting.
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Recognise the early symptoms of pregnancy 

Do you have the feeling that something strange and mildly frightening is happening to your body? Then you’re in the right place. You may just be at the beginning of a very beautiful journey, strewn with some obstacles, but decorated with thousands of colourful and happy emotions. Even if you think you aren’t, continue reading to be able to identify these symptoms for the future.   The miracle we know as pregnancy can be quite shocking at first. The excitement and curiosity that comes with this journey has made you look for answers, so it’s time to learn what the early
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Categories: I'm Pregnant, Main Categories, Sex, Topics, and Trying to Conceive.
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The Ultimate Guide to Pregnancy Testing: When, Why, and What to Expect 

Pregnancy is an important and transformative event in a person’s life, and understanding when and how to test for it can make the journey less stressful and uncertain. Preparing for a potential pregnancy involves a wealth of emotions and questions, and having a comprehensive guide at your fingertips can significantly ease the process.   We will delve into the world of pregnancy testing and explore various aspects, from the ideal time to take a test to interpreting the results accurately. By the end of this guide, you’ll have a clearer understanding of when and how to take a pregnancy test, as
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Categories: I'm not Pregnant, I'm Pregnant, Safe Sex, STD's, Sex, and Teens.

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10 Surprising Pregnancy Facts

Being pregnant is one of the most universal experiences in the world, yet there are so many things that people do not know about it! We have compiled 10 interesting facts you may have never heard about down below. 1) The Uterus Grows . . . A Lot! Before pregnancy, the uterus is about the size of a pear and weights around 60 grams. But by the third trimester, it can grow to the size of a watermelon – weighing over 900 grams! Overall, stretching 500 times its normal size. But don’t worry, after birth the uterus returns to its
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Categories: Babies, I'm Pregnant, and When Expecting.
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Eating For Two: Healthy Diet For Mother & Child

Maintaining a healthy diet during pregnancy is very important because from now onwards, you’ll be eating for two instead of one! So, during this time your body needs additional nutrients, vitamins and minerals. But this isn’t an excuse to overeat chocolate and candy! Poor eating habits and excess weight gain may also increase your chances of developing gestational diabetes, pregnancy or birth complications and even negatively affect your child’s development. So, choosing a healthy and wholesome pregnancy diet is very important for both you and your baby. If you want to improve your pregnancy eating habits, read on! Green Vegetables
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Categories: Babies, I'm Pregnant, Parenting, and Tip & Tricks.
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Your Baby’s Milestones: From First Kick To First Steps

There is nothing more beautiful for a first-time parent than the first time their baby does something, big or small! Whether that something involves kicking, crawling, walking, talking, smiling or laughing! Nothing is more important to parents than witnessing their baby’s first milestones! We’ve compiled a list of the biggest baby milestones, along with when you can expect to experience them! Read on, and never miss your baby’s most important moments!   Your Baby’s Milestones: The First Trimester In The Womb While your baby is growing inside you, there are so many milestones you may not be aware of! The
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Categories: Babies, I'm Pregnant, Main Categories, Parenting, and When Expecting.
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7 Old Wives Tales About Pregnancy Debunked

Before medical practitioners, modern science and the internet, women learnt about pregnancy from knowledge passed down from older generations. Now, these collective beliefs are known as ‘old wives’ tales’ and many expectant moms still look to them for guidance from gender prediction to inducing labor. Some of these old wives’ tales have been proven to be true while others have no scientific evidence behind them. We rounded up some common old wives’ tales about pregnancy and investigated whether there’s any scientific evidence to support them. Here’s what we found… You Can Tell the Sex by The Size of The Bump
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Categories: Babies, I'm Pregnant, Main Categories, Parenting, and When Expecting.
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Boosting Your Chance Of Conception Using Vitamins & Supplements

While trying to get pregnant it is important to take the right vitamins and supplements, not only can this improve fertility and increase your chances of conception – it can also reduce the risk of problems in your baby’s development in the early stages of your pregnancy. Not sure which supplements to take on your journey to becoming a parent? Read on and find out which supplements are the best, how they increase your chances of conception and how much you should be taking. Importance Of Vitamins & Supplements Getting a nourishing regimen of prenatal vitamins and supplements is important,
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Categories: I'm Pregnant, Tip & Tricks, Trying to Conceive, and When Expecting.
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8 Things You Didn’t Know About Twins

In some ancient African tribes’ times, twins were seen as a single soul with two bodies. If the one dies, the other one will not survive. Although, we know now that the former is not true – there is still something so fascinating about twins and other multiple birth children. If you wanted to learn some interesting scientific facts about twins, read below. 1. Being pregnant with two foetuses aren’t necessarily twins There is an extremely rare condition referred to as ‘superfetation’ where a pregnant woman continues to ovulate and develops another embryo which is later fertilised. However, this second
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Categories: I'm Pregnant, Main Categories, Parenting, Tip & Tricks, Topics, and When Expecting.
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Reasons You Missed Your Period… Other Than Pregnancy

Missed or late periods can have many causes other than pregnancy. If you’re sure that you’re not pregnant but worried about your delayed period, then we’re here to help you out. We discuss the top reasons why you could have missed your period. Stress! Stress affects your body in many ways, including messing up your period cycle. In fact, your body’s stress-response system is rooted in the same part of the brain that controls reproductive hormones. Stress can then cause ovulation and periods to delay or altogether skip a cycle. Managing stress could bring your cycle back to normal again.
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Categories: I'm Pregnant, Main Categories, Menstruation, Safe Sex, STD's, Teens, and Topics.
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