Contraception is an important part and privilege of modern life that helps us plan and control our reproduction and livelihood. In this article, we’ll tell you about all the different types of contraceptives, their advantages and disadvantages, so that you can make an informed decision for yourself. Whether it’s your first-time using contraceptives or you’re looking to change your chosen method, we aim to give you the truth so you can explore all your options and decide what’s best for you. Hormonal contraceptives Hormonal contraceptives are among the most widespread methods of preventing unwanted pregnancy. These include: Different
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Archives for I’m not Pregnant
The Ultimate Guide to Pregnancy Testing: When, Why, and What to Expect
Pregnancy is an important and transformative event in a person’s life, and understanding when and how to test for it can make the journey less stressful and uncertain. Preparing for a potential pregnancy involves a wealth of emotions and questions, and having a comprehensive guide at your fingertips can significantly ease the process. We will delve into the world of pregnancy testing and explore various aspects, from the ideal time to take a test to interpreting the results accurately. By the end of this guide, you’ll have a clearer understanding of when and how to take a pregnancy test, as
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pregnancy, results, sex, symptoms of pregnancy, and testing.
Does COVID-19 affect your menstrual cycle?
We cannot miss out the huge impact COVID-19 pandemic has had on humanity. COVID-19 infection is usually associated with respiratory symptoms, such as cough, fever or shortness of breath. Nevertheless, it can also impact other systems of our body such as the digestive, nervous or cardiovascular system. A growing body of evidence suggests that COVID-19 infection can affect your menstrual cycle as well. Talking generally, this can be caused by the virus itself or by the stress it causes on the body. Let’s not also forget the lifestyle adjustments needed, which can also impact the menstrual cycle. Let’s break down
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Problems conceiving: Testing
Many couples nowadays have problems conceiving. Women under the age of 35 who have been trying to conceive for more than 1 year or women over the age of 35 who have been trying for more than 6 months, should consult a doctor. Infertility is not just a female issue. Infertility can affect both partners. Fertility experts agree that, on average, 30% of the cases of infertility can be attributed solely to the female, 30% solely to the male, 30% a combination of both partners, and in 10% there is unexplained infertility. Here are the steps you should take when you
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Reasons you missed your period – Part 2
In the previous blog, we discussed some of the main reasons for missing your period other than pregnancy – stress, intense exercises, PCOS, thyroid problems, etc. Here are some other reasons for lack of menstruation. What is amenorrhea? Amenorrhea means the absence of menstruation. There are two types of amenorrhea – primary and secondary. Primary amenorrhea is defined as the failure of initiation of the first menstrual cycle by age of 16. Secondary amenorrhea happens when a woman who has had normal menstrual cycles stops getting her monthly period for more than 3 months. The menstrual cycle is regulated
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Оvulation – all you need to know
Ovulation is one of the most important phases of the menstrual cycle. Read this blog for additional information about what is ovulation and what happens to your body when you are ovulating. What is ovulation? Apart from menstruating, women’s menstrual cycle consists of three phases – follicular phase, ovulation and luteal phase. Ovulation is the release of a mature egg from one of the ovaries. After that, special structures of the fallopian tubes, called fimbriae, carry the egg from the ovary toward the uterus. When does ovulation occur and how long does it last? Ovulation usually occurs midway through your
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10 Vaginal Hygiene Tips All Women Should Follow
Sexual hygiene is not only important to stay smelling fresh, but to preserve your reproductive system as well as your unitary tract health too! Your vagina is a very sensitive area and any interferences with your pH balance can cause vaginal infections and other health troubles. Keep reading for some basic sexual hygiene practices that every woman, regardless of age, should follow! 1) Avoid Soap Yes, you read correctly. Most commercially sold scented soaps are harsh on your lady parts. These soaps often contain harmful chemicals such as glycerol, perfumes and antiseptics can affect the healthy balance of the bacteria
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Top 5 Role Play Fantasies
Sex is tricky, and being sexier is even more tricky. A relationship on the other hand could feel like running a marathon because lets face it – you’re drained! Anxiety, stress and all these feelings can lead to bad sex or not enough sex, leaving your relationship feeling underway. So if you’re looking for some ways to spice up your sex life, role play is the answer when reconnecting with your partner! Role play is sexy, seductive and playful – while being arrested in real life may cause some PTSD, being ‘cuffed’ by your officer partner could make you beg
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Female Condoms 101
Everyone has heard of (external) condoms – but did you know there are also ‘female’ (internal) condoms too? They are much bigger, fit inside the vagina and if used correctly – they provide a much higher percentage of protection from pregnancy and STI development. This barrier method is preferred by many women because it gives you a sense of safety knowing that you are in control of your sexual and reproductive health. If you’re curious to learn more about the female condom – stick around and we’ll tell you everything you need to know about this protective tool! How Do
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10 Facts You Didn’t Know About Your Period
There’s more to periods than just blood and cramps! If you want to learn more about your body and this special monthly process, stick around and we’ll show you some interesting period facts that you probably never heard of before. 1) It’s Not Just Blood Contrary to popular belief, your period doesn’t only consist of blood! It’s actually a combination of blood, mucus, and tissues from your uterus. Yikes! 2) Menstruation Cycle & Your Natural Scent Many people say that changes in natural scent during ovulation and menstruation dates back to prehistoric times where men would be more attracted to
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