For boys, this occurs around 13 years old. Some of these changes include:
Wet Dreams
The growth of the testicles will continue into stage 3, and the male child is likely to discover the process of ejaculation and the release of sperm-containing semen.
In addition, boys can experience wet dreams while asleep. Wet dreams are as a result of the increase in the testosterone hormone (a primary male hormone). These are a normal occurrence and cannot be prevented – some adults may also experience this even after full maturity.
Breast Growth
Some boys may even experience breast swelling or tenderness. However, this is temporary and usually disappears within 6 months.
Penis Growth
During this process, the penis begins to fully develop. The male’s penis will get larger, and erections, which a boy begins experiencing as an infant, will become more frequent now.
Growth Spurt
Between 10 to 16 years old boys will experience a growth spurt and subsequently grow taller.
The body will also mold to a different shape. This includes the broadening of his shoulders as well as the onset of weight and muscle gain.
Voice Changes
Before puberty, the male’s larynx is underdeveloped, and the vocal cords are thin (this is why a boys voice is higher pitched than an adult). Puberty causes the larynx to enlarge as well as causing the vocal cords to grow thus deepening the voice.
What’s more, the facial bones begin to grow. Cavities in the sinuses, nose, and the back of the throat grow bigger create more space in the face and gives the voice more room to reverberate.
Other Growth
During this process, hair on other parts of the body start to make an appearance. This includes under the arms, the facial area as well as continued around the penis and scrotum.