Often the open dialogue about sex and physical pleasures is missing. For this reason, we invited Dr. Gergana Krasteva, who calmly and openly spoke on some topics that concern us, despite the taboo around them. Remember – sex is not shameful! It is a pleasure that should happen by mutual consent.
Dr. Krasteva: It is important, to be honest with yourself about how you feel when it comes to sexuality – your feelings are a priority, ie. it is not important what people say, but what you want and like. Today we emphasize self-satisfaction. It is the most affordable way to free your body from accumulated sexual tension. Nowadays, the taboo around masturbation is gradually disappearing and men and women are talking more openly about it.
Is masturbation sex?
Masturbation is usually associated with periods when there are no intimate partners. However, according to recent statistics, it is noteworthy that people who have regular sex with their partners tend to masturbate more often than those who do not have regular sex. Perhaps this is because recently masturbation has turned from a simple form of sexual practice into a separate intimate unit. I think that in the past masturbation was considered an alternative to sex, today we can say that it is somewhat independent of it.
Satisfying sexual appetite reduces stress, cures insomnia, and has a bunch of other beneficial effects on the body.
How much is too much?
It is difficult to define “excessive masturbation”, but according to scientists, masturbating more than 3 times a week is considered unhealthy. And who are we to challenge scientists? However, I want to pay special attention to daily self-satisfaction. I emphasize – not the side effects of masturbation, but the consequences of excessive practice.
Does excessive masturbation lead to difficulties in sexual intercourse?
This applies to both sexes, both single and in a relationship. Too frequent masturbation has been shown to lead to a loss of interest in sexual intercourse. It affects the physical and mental aspects of shared sex. In men, physiological manifestations prevail – difficulties in erection and ejaculation. Apathy and lack of sexual initiative may occur in women. The strange thing here is that one stops looking for both sex and intimacy. Intimacy is a key point in human relationships and cannot be replaced by masturbation. Often, men who masturbate too much have serious difficulty getting their partner to orgasm. Their erectile function also deteriorates – not only with the number of erections but also with their quality maintenance during sex. Through masturbation we get to know our body, we understand what we like and how we like it. This is very good. The bad thing is that the easier and more often we have an orgasm on our own, the harder we will have it when someone else touches us. Purely on a mental basis, this is because we have already taught our body an easy and effective way to reach orgasm, and by providing it with something new (in this case – a partner), it starts reacting more slowly to stimuli. If you masturbate too often, you run the risk of becoming less susceptible to other types of sexual stimulation when you are not alone. Separately, things that used to arouse you easily, after frequent masturbation, may stop registering arousal, which will prompt you to look for more intense fantasies or visual aids.
Is masturbation a mental disorder?
The topic of behavioral and mental disorders is becoming more and more discussed, and this is quite normal. To understand something, we must have enough information about it. Here is the place to pay attention to the so-called “Compulsive masturbation” or in other words – can frequent masturbation lead to addiction? The answer is simple and clear – “yes, it can”
The process of addiction to masturbation is a little different. It does not import external substances (such as drugs) but releases internal chemicals during the act itself. The arousal of masturbation and orgasm stimulates the secretion of these substances, which are referred to as the “internal reward system”. In other words, the brain begins to crave this “arousal”, and the addict learns to reach orgasm faster and more often. In addition, it becomes accustomed to the feeling of masturbation sometimes, until “normal” sexual activity is unsatisfactory. In addition, symptoms such as increased anxiety and depression, attention deficit, memory and concentration problems, social anxiety, etc. can be observed. Here one would ask the question – how do I know if I am addicted? The only method to check is to take a break from masturbation. Stopping it for a certain time (preferably for at least a month) will clearly show how and how much you feel its absence in your daily life. The test is completely finished with the result – if you manage to pass, you are probably not addicted.
Recommendations on the subject?
Masturbation is still considered one of the best tension releasers. I remind you that even short breaks from it significantly contribute to sexual feelings. I vote for healthy masturbation with one hand (for obvious reasons). In conclusion, I want to say that these lines do not reach you to deny you self-satisfaction. Make a place for it in your life and learn to control it – it’s up to you!
If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected]
Here you can see some advice on how to improve your sexual self-esteem