There is nothing shameful about abortion. On the contrary, having the right to choose is something that distinguishes us from other mammals. Not every woman has the need to be a mother in order to feel complete. Not every couple feels ready to have a child at any time in their relationship. The refusal to explicitly create a generation, as well as abortion on demand, have always been widely debated issues.
The purpose of this article is not to set boundaries between “moral” and “immoral,” but to help as many women as possible become informed on the subject from the perspective of a doctor and a woman. If you have decided to terminate your pregnancy, it is good to become familiar with the process, and more precisely – with all possible methods and the risks arising from them. To begin with, it should be pointed out that you can have an abortion on demand up to the 12th week of pregnancy, or to put it another way – until the end of the third month.
Taking Tablets or the so-called “Medical Abortion”
Depending on the term you are in, this is a commonly suggested method of terminating pregnancy. It consists of taking two types of medication at strict intervals (34-40) hours apart. The process usually goes as a more profuse and painful menstruation, and almost any painkiller can be taken during the pain. Taking the second type of tablets generates contractions that cause uterus to contract and spontaneously expel the amniotic sac or embryo.
The advantages of medical abortion are its non-invasiveness (no anesthesia and specific instruments for the manipulation), speed (minimal contact and stay in a hospital environment), and less damage to the woman’s psyche. Of course, so explained, it sounds too easy.
The main risk that exists with medical abortion is that it can be unsuccessful more often than surgical abortion. This means that pregnancy can continue to exist or be disrupted but remain “stuck” in the uterine cavity. Recently, such complications have become increasingly rare due to the good communication between a specialist and a patient.
The more precise the intake and behavioral instructions you are given, the more likely you are to follow them and, accordingly, implement the procedure. The most important thing to watch out for is the bleeding that occurs after taking the tablets. It often resembles menstruation – the first few days it is more abundant, then gradually decreases, and can last within two weeks. If you notice that the amount of bleeding does not decrease or that it lasts for more than 14-15 days, it is advisable to contact your obstetrician/gynecologist. It is clear that apart from physical discomfort, the procedure also has an impact on the patient’s psyche, so you should trust your doctor, be able to rely on him/her completely and let him/her know about any changes in your condition, concerns and worries.

Surgical Abortion or “Curettage”
This is undoubtedly a more popular method of terminating a pregnancy and often preferred at more advanced terms (9-12 weeks). It consists of insertion of special instruments through the vagina to the uterine cavity under a short-lasting full anesthetic. The idea is to use these to mechanically remove the amniotic sac or embryo without the uterus having to expel it itself, as happens after taking tablets.
The main positive side of manipulation is that it is much less likely to be unsuccessful, although in practice such cases are also observed. The procedure itself is routine, but in fact it is not without risks. There is a danger of disrupting the integrity of certain tissues, which predisposes to infections, and perforation of the uterine cavity with some of the instruments – a condition often necessitating surgery. A variation of the surgical method is the so-called “vacuum-aspiration”, in which, again under full anesthesia, a vacuum cannula is introduced into the uterus, through which the amniotic sac or embryo is aspirated. It is important not to visit public pools, spa centers, have sex or share underwear or towels with anyone while the bleeding from the procedure lasts.
A frequently asked question is, “Is there a way I can’t have any more children after this abortion?” The answer is complex. It is possible to have problems getting pregnant after a while, but the chances of them being due to the abortion in question are close to zero. Usually, there is no direct link between abortion on demand and infertility, and no woman should feel intimidated into thinking that this is the reason she cannot get pregnant in the future.
Information protects health – the more we know, the more we can protect ourselves, which is why it is right to have more information on the topic of abortion. In many places, unfortunately, they are performed outside the law, which poses a huge risk to the health and lives of these women. Before preaching morality, it is right to realize that we do not have the right to make decisions for anyone and that life is the most individual thing we possess.